Some people enjoy a bowl of ice cream every night...I know I do - EVERY NIGHT! You have to go to the grocery store to buy the ice cream right? While you are there, breeze into the produce section and pick up those ugly weird fruits call pomegranates. Next time you sit down to your usual bowl of ice cream, cut a pomegranate in half and squeeze the blood red juice and crunchy pellets over the top of the ice cream. The pellets offer a slight resistance against your teeth before getting to the surprisingly satisfying crunch in the center. You'll be surprised at how much your mouth will thank you for the delightful addition to your regular nightly treat. If you really want to know what this powerful fruit can do for you, here's a good website http://www.healthdiaries.com/eatthis/11-health-benefits-of-pomegranate-juice.html to get a quick at-a-glance read on the benefits.
If you'd like to take this healthy tip a bit further, try changing your regular ice cream brand to one that uses a coconut milk base. People are always so surprised when I tell them the saturated fat in coconut milk is actually good for you. At first, when you turn the pint of coconut milk based ice cream around to read the nutritional facts, you may gasp when see the high percentage of saturated fat. But here's the secret...the fat in coconut is made up of mostly medium-chain fatty acids. Unlike long or short chain fatty acids, the medium ones cannot be stored as fat - they turn directly into energy. So eat up..it won't go to your thighs ladies!!
You'll have to wait until my next blog when I divulge some of coconut's other secrets. This poor little fruit has been curing people since the beginning of time, yet gets little credit. Thanks for reading!
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